Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Educational Trips

Educational Trips

Students in Mount St. Michael take part in many field and educational trips.

The main benefits of educational trips are:

  • Reinforces classroom teaching
  • Encourages students to learn
  • Helps students to bond and make new friendships
  • May provide a cultural experience

Some of the trips experienced by students are listed below

  • Art tours
  • CSPE field trip
  • Geography field trip
  • History tour
  • Trips to plays and drama productions both in English and Modern Foreign Languages
  • Trips to musical recitals and pantomimes,
  • Attendance and participation in the Young Scientist Exhibition
  • Attendance at career events,
  • Killary experience (TY)
  • Trip to Italy (TY)

Educational TripsEducational TripsEducational Trips
Claremorris Co. Mayo F12TY09
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